Aug 17, 2008

Wedding Weekend

Kevin, Me and his lovely Bride Syrina
Mr and Mrs. James Rocha. August 16, 2008

Larene and I.. she looks beautiful!!!!

As you can see I had two weddings to go to this weekend. My good friend Larene who I met at SLCC back in the day. We had some good times. She married James Rocha. He is a convert and they met in the singles ward. I am very happy for her.
My other friend is Syrina and we work together at Seagull. She married Kevin Star. Both the recpetions werea at the church buildings but they both did such a pretty job of decorating them, that it didn't feel like a church gymnasium. It was fun to go to them.


Cassidy Meine said...

Hey I went to school and ran with Kevin Starr!

Julie said...

I didn't know Larene was getting married! Congrats to her!