Sep 22, 2008

The BIG 28!!!

Sorry not that great of picture of me.. but wanted to show you what dan got me.

So today is the big day. Yes thats right I am the big 28!!! I can't believe I am two years away from 30. But today has been such a fun Birthday!!!! I woke up about 7:30 this morning and was soo excited to open my presents from Dan!!!! The bad thing is last night he kept tempting me and asking me if I wanted to open them up last night. Anyway I lasted til about 8 and then i got too excited and made Dan get up too. He does such a wonderful job picking out my presents. He got me a very pretty silver sterling necklace, a new watch, a framed picture of Joseph Smith in the grove, and two movies 9 to 5, and Miss Congeilality 2. I love the necklace and I wore it to work today.

When I went to work today my friend Paige and my boss Crystal gave me a gift basket. It had diet coke, fritos and laffy taffy in it, (the three most important things to get me through the day) and the movie Becoming Jane. I was so suprised and Happy. I love that movie. I always bring lafft taffy to work and we always read the jokes. Then my boss usually gets everyone a cake from Schmidt's bakery. and oh my gosh if you have not had anything from them you are missing out. But i will say they become addicting!!! But they were out of cake, so she got a pumpkin cake roll and it was soooo good. Then she ordered Pizza too. So it was really fun. Then about four my good friend Julie came by around 4 and suprised me with a gift. It was sooo cute. I have a picture of it. She took hostess cupcakes and made a cake out of them and stuck a candle in the top one. It was so cute and such a fun surprise.

Tonight my betest friend KrisAn took me out to Chili's for my b-day and then we went shopping. I had some gift cards that I got to use. So it was sooo nice not to spend my own money. Anyway I know you are probably sick of hearing about my b-day festivites. But I am just greatful for all my friends and family and all that you do for me.


Just the 3 of us said...

Yayyy I'm glad you had a good day Megs, you deserve it! :o)

Cassidy Meine said...


Julie said...

Happy Birthday Megan! I'm so glad I got to be the first one to call you and then was able to bring you your present! I hope you have fun at the movie!

Annette said...

Happy Birthday!!! Did you get my other Happy Birthday message? I posted a comment on your tag post!
So! Here's how you eat those Hostess cupcakes. You take the tops off all 10 and stack them on top of each other. They are about the same size as one of the cupcakes. You can throw away the cake part because that part is usually dry anyway, and then eat the tops! It's like fudge!!! SOOOOOOOO Good!!! Glad you had a great day!!!