Sep 21, 2008

I have been Tagged!!!

I have been tagged! This is a good one )

8 things I am passionate about...
1. My husband and Family
2. My friends
3.My religion
5. Being accepting of everybody
6. Being happy and positive
7.My shows :)
8.Being a good worker

8Words or phrases I use often..
1. Get over it
2.I love you
3. Are you serious?
5. I sorry
6.Good times, Great Oldies
7. Beats me with a stick(got that one from my mom)
8.Heck Yes!!!

8things I have learned from my past...
1. I have grown up a lot
2. Always say I love you, It doesn't matte how many times
3. Be greatful for what you have,
4. Whenever you think you have it bad, remember someone always has it worse.
5. Don't let people pressure you
6.Always try to be better than you were today.
7. Don't take your family for granted, appreciate all the different talents they have
8. Always be willing to help people out

8 places I would love to go or see...
1. Hawaii(again)
2.Disneyworld (again)
3. New York
4. Paris
5. Disneyland(again)
6. Cruise
7. Laguna Beach
8. Italy

8 thigs I want or need...
1. A house
2. License
4. Color for my hair
5. More clothes
6.Lose 30 pounds
8.New shoes

I tag... mandy, cassidy, keri, marianne, mindy, lacey, jamie, annette, julie.


Annette said...

Happy Birthday Meckie!! I'm not playing tag, but I just wanted to tell you Happy Birthday! Thanks for letting me hang out with you and Julie and always making me laugh! I could honestly listen to your laugh all day long! You're the best! Hope you have a great day!!!
Love, Annette

Mandy said...

I keep forgetting to do this! Sorry!!