Feb 4, 2009

Couples Survey

1. What are your middle names? I don't have one and Dan's is Steven.

2.How long have you been together?We have been married for a year in a half and we dated for four months and were engaged for four months before we were married.

3. How long did you know each other before you started dating? I met him on a blind date, we were set up by his sister. so only a couple of weeks.

4. Who asked Who out?He asked me out.

5.How old are each of you? I am 28 and Dan is 25 thats right went for the younger man.

6. Whos siblings do you see most? Probably mine more.... but I we his sister Emily too.
They are live close though.

7.Do you have any children together? not yet

8. What about pets?Nope

9. Which situation is hardest on you as a couple?Making sure we spend enought time together because we work opposite shifts.

10. Did you go to the same school? No

11. Are you from the same place? We are both from Utah I lived in draper and he was in magna.

12. Who is the smartest? It depends on what it is, but dan is very smart in certain areas and I am in the other. We balance each otehr out.

13.Who is the most sensitive? Well both of us are dan is sensisitive on some things too.

14. Where do you eat out most as a couple? Leatherbys or Training Tabl1

5.Where's the farthest place you have traveled together as a couple?Disneyland for our honeymoon.

16.Who has the craziest exes? I don't know who cares.

17.Who has the worst temper? that would be Dan

18.Who is the most social? Me dan always says I am soo popular.

19.Who is the neat freak? Me

20.Who is the most stubborn? both of us are.

21.Who hogs the bed?Me... I am always taking the covers.

22.Who wakes up earlier? Me .... I am a mornign person.

23. Where was your first date?In sandy we went to Johnny Carino's for lunch and then bowling then back to my apartment and we watched movies. It was an 8 hour date.

24.Who has the bigger family? We have the same amount of siblings, and we are pretty much teh same with nieces and nephews.

25.Who do you spend the holidays with?Mostly my family cause we like to do things on holidays.

26.Who is more jealous? I don't know if we really are.

27.How long did it take to get serious? After our first date we were glued to the hip.

28. Who sings better? me

29. Whos better with the computer? Dan

30. Who drives when your together?dan

31.Who picks where you go to dinner?Usually me

32.Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? we are both pretty good at it, I am usally the first one.

33.Who wears the pants in the relationship? Me

34.Who has more tattoos?we don't have them

35.Who eats more sweets? That would be me.

36.Who cries more? that is for sure me....

37.Are you two still a couple?Forever

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