Jun 30, 2009

Happy Birthday Dan!!!!

So yesterday was Dan's birthday. He turned the big 26!!!Awwww to be young!!! Anyway he was lucky and got to take today off. So we got up this morning and he got to open his presnents. He is reallly into Model Rocketry so I got him a Model Rocket. He was soooo excited!!! He has been talking about launching rockets practically since we went to the Hobby shop in May. At one point it was driving me crazy:) So I was a nice wifey and got him one. I also got him the movie Bolt and the movie Princess Bride. Then we went to Virgs for breakfast. And Dan got this breakfast burrito and holy dang it is huge!!! But it was sooo good. Then he dropped me off at work and he got to go have some fun. His parents took him out to IHOP for lunch. He had planned to go to European connections but has apparently closed down. He loves crepes and really wanted one. Then when I got home from work we picked up our nephews Mikey and Jake and went to Taylorsville Park and shot off the rockets. It was actually pretty fun and I liked pushing the button to make them shoot up in the sky. They goo sooo high and you can't see them so you are trying to figure out where they are going to land. Then we headed over to my Dads for a little bit to hang out. When we got home we had Oreo Cheesecake that is Dan's favorite Desseret. Well any kind of Cheesecake. But he had a really fun birthday and I am so grateful for him and all he does. He is a great husband !!!! Happy Birthday Dan!!!

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