Sep 20, 2009

Babystittng and B-day Party

Christian, melissa and Mindy eating the delicious chocolate.

Look at that delicious chocolate!!!!!!

Look how cut they are.

This weekend has been pretty fun. On thursday night I got to babysitt Jaden and Kaylie so Lauren could go visit Justin who has been sick. It was sooo fun. They are such fun kids.We walked to the park by my house and we played on the swings and the play ground. Jaden wanted me to do everything that he would do on the playground.It was pretty cute. Then we came home and i put on the movie cars and they sat on the couch and ate their cheerios. Well eventually they got tired and they both laid down with a pillow and a blanket. It was soo cute.
Then last night we celebrated my birthday with all my friends at KrisAn's house. We had a chocolate fountain and then we all brought stuff to dip into the chocolate. We had strawberries, and cinnamon bears, and grapes, and marshmallows. We also played the games spoons, and Jenga. We always have a good time when we get together and of course we are always loud too.


Rachel said...

That chocolate fountain looks yummy! I totally want to buy one and just have it set up all the time :) Happy birthday in a few days!!

Annette said...

Happy Birthday Mecki! Hope you had a great day! You are the best! Thanks for making me laugh! We need to do lunch!