Oct 2, 2010

1 year

Wow can't believe it has been one year ago that I had my miscarriage. I have expereienced a lot of emotions this week. Its funny cause you think eventually they will just go away but it never does. Its crazy because I cried more today since the day I had it. I am grateful that is conference weekend though so hopefully I can get some inspiration and be uplifted. My faith hasn't been as strong as it should be. I also forget that it affected Dan too and that he may not show it but it affects him too. I really do want to have a child. Its funny cause Ihave been super stressed for a while and just worrying about everything. I was also worried about my dad not having a job. But now that he has one and a weight has been lifted off. I know its easy for people to say," just don't think about it andit will happen." but that is easier said then done. I am trying to stay positive.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am so sorry that happened to you a year ago. I can now relate to what you are feeling. I hope it doesn't take you guys long to get pregnant. Love ya!