Mar 11, 2010

50 Things I LOVE

50 Things I LoVe
( in no particular order)
1.reality tv
2. working out
3.back rubs and foot rubs
4. chick flicks
5. Girl Scout Cookies Samoas
6. Nothign Bundt Cakes
7. Backstreet boys
8. Pop Music
9. Us Weekly and People Magazine
10.Greys Anatomy, Desperate HOusewives, The Bigges Loser,
Bachelor, 90210
10. My bed
11. Eating Out
12. Losing Weight
14.Whenever I get my hair done
15. Reading
16. Working at Seagull
17. My nieces and Nephew
18. hearing a good song on the Radio
19. Chick Fila
20. Bravo TV
21.My family
22. Dan
23. Friends
24. FRIENDS THE tv show
25. chocolate
26. A Clean House
27. Going to the Movies
28. Going on a date with my hubby
29. The Temple
30. Getting new clothes and having them be a smaller size
31. Going to Concerts
32. Pasta
33. Bread
34. Dancing
35. Girl TIme
36. Going on Picnics
37. DVR
38. Internet
39. Cell Phones
40. Taking Baths
41. Cheesefries
42. Jewelry Shopping
43. Rings and Bracelets
44. Shopping
45. When my mom comes to Visit
46. Going to Plays
47. Rainbows
48. Popcorn
49. Diet Coke
50. Blogging


vikramhegde said...

Being part of different cultures (or for that matter different gender, religion, nationality) isn't all it's made out to be...

..if 35 of the entries on your list are exactly the things I love too :)

~Rachel~ said...

Just came across your blog...and I love it! Great work, it is so cute! :-)