Apr 9, 2010

FILL In the Blank Friday


1. The strangest thing I have ever eaten was.......

2.My best friend is Dan..... don't really have a best girlfriend right now.

3.If I could live in a different era, I would want to live in......60"s i think of Hairspray the movie.

4. I like..... to have my me time either just watching my shows or reading a good book

5.If you only knew one thing about me it should be... that I am very passionate about the my family. Don't mess with them or you mess with me!!!!

6. My favorite book of all time.....i can't just pick one... tooo many.

7. The one beauty product I coudln't live without is...... eyeshadow... i love the way it makes my eyes look.

8. Blogging is....a journal for me. Its a great way to vent my frusterations and my happenings.

9.If I could star in a movie with an actor/actress I would want to work with.....Aston Kutcher would be fun or MCDreamy patrick dempsey. I would like to work with Julia Roberts or Sandra Bullock.

10. One of the best feelings in the world is.... being loved and loving others.

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