Dec 18, 2009

Grateful to be Alive

Darrin and Angel... great friends and glad they are okay.
Look how Beautiful that is.

This is a special spot for us because we got engaged here so everytime we go to Temple Sqare we always take a picture.

This reminded me of our wedding day. We had a picture taken here.

So last Sunday Me, Dan, our friend Angel and her Husban Darin went to Temple Square to see the lights. We actually got there about 5:30 so right when it was getting dark. Well it was kind of weird cause they actually don't turn the lights on til 6:15. But we still had a good time. It wasn't crowded at all so we got to walk around and enjoy the light and I actually saw stuff that I haven't seen and I go every year. Anyway so we had been there about an hour and half and were getting cold. So we decided to head home. Well we had just had a great time. Well when we got to 5th S and 400 w we were turning left to go onto the interstate. Well another car was coming strait and ran right into us. He ran a red light. It was the scariest moment of my life. I have never been in a car accident this bad. Angel's husband Darrin was driving. The car spun twice and the hit the passenger car and banged up the car pretty bad. Once it stopped we all just kind of looked around and asked if everyboyd was okay. The guy that hit us came up and was like are you okay? I am sooo sorry. I wanted to say to him,"what the heck dude?" Why were you running the Red light?" But i was so shooken up. I was really worried about my friend Angel too because she had just had back surgery the month before. So i was trying to stay calm for everybody else and just kept saying that God was watching over us and protected us. Luckily all of us are okay. But I honestly know that God protected us. I literally felt like he put his arm down and stopped it from getting worse. And we were very lucky the other car that hit us was s mall one too. The amazing thing is none of the glass broke or anything. It still sucks for Angel and Darrin because they had to get there car towed. But they still do have one car and are supposed to get a rental. Anyway here are some pics from our trip. I am just very blessed to be alive and all week I have been thanking God every chance I get.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow Megan, I am glad that you are all okay. It is amazing what Heavenly Father protects us from.