Dec 10, 2009

Catch Up

My other favorite tree.... Leatherbys....

My favorite tree... mmmm Hersheys.

We are kinding of standing weird but we liked the trees.

So since Thanskgiving Dan and I have been getting into the Christmas Spirit. Last weekend we went to the Festival of Trees. It has been a fun traditon we have started ever since I met Dan. I really enjoy going and we actually saw every tree. I was suprised there was no New Moon trees ,b ut there were some BYU trees and lots of snowman trees. I actually had Saturday off so we started with going to our Ward Christmas breakfast. Then we went to eat at the Training Table..that is one of our favorites. Then we went to the Festival. We also found our ornament. Another traditon we have started. Then we came home that night and watched a Christmas movie.
My mom and Dad also sent us some Christmas presents and money. So I got to go shopping on Monday and buy some new shoes and some pants that I desperately needed. Dan decided to buy a game he wanted. I am excited for this saturday because we get to go to the Forgotten Carols. And no matter how many times I see it i still love it. And it always me cry. But I am excited. I can't believe how fast Christmas is coming. I love this time and watching all the cheesy christmas movies. I am also excited for my mom to come after Christmas and to do some stuf with her.

1 comment:

Katie said...

Christmas is coming! great pictures and I like your new blog page :) glad you guys got some stuff you needed and wanted!