Feb 21, 2009

Its been a while

Hey everyone... so its been a while since I have done the blog thing. I don't know what it is but lately I have not been into it as much. I have kind of been digging the facebook thing. Anyhooo life is going pretty good. This has been a good but challening week. On Monday Dan had the day off and I got off at 3 so we went to see the Pink Panther 2 with our friends larene and James. It was pretty funny and we had a good time.
Two weeks ago my mother and law invited me to a Weight Watchers meeting. And I really liked it and I liked the leader. Well I don't really have the money for it but Louise said she woudl pay for it for me. So this wednesday I went and signed up. ANd it is FREAKIN hard...... I am starving like all the time. I know they say it wil get easier but I keep thinking about food constantly and that I can't have this or I can only have one of them and how many points do I get. Its really been a challenge. I k now its a good program and it made me aware of how many calories things have in them. Like one of my favorite meals at Chilis has like 1350 calories... dang Gina I had no idea. So anyway Ihave just been struggling this weekend and I wish that I didn't like to eat. I epsecially eat when I am sad. Anyway I go on Wed for my first weigh in and I don't know how I wil do. I just start over each day.. I have stayed witthin my points and what not so we will see.

Sorry about my complaining but I needed to get it out. My leader Janice says to write it down or to tell someone, but its hard to talk to my husband and other peopel about it because they don't know how I feel. and its not there fault i Just decided to write it down.

Anyway today I am just takign it easy at home.. I dont' really feel well... I have some kind of bug or something.


Unknown said...

I am sorry that things aren't going well. You are good to do weight watchers. I would have a hard time doing it too because I love food way to much. Keep up the hard work. I know you will do great.

Katie said...

YOu are a strong person and I hope that you feel better as you do the program. Love you lots!

Just the 3 of us said...

You can do it Megs! it will get easier, and you will look back on this day and appreciate where you are at the time. pretty soon I will be doing it with you so we can cry and complain together :)
love you mean it!!!

Paige's Pages said...

Oh Megan I am so impressed! You are amazing and I so believe you can do it! Go go girl! See you soon, Paige