Sep 26, 2008

Glorious Salsa!!!

Aww here it is the fabolous salsa!!!!
Stirring away don't I make such a cute little cook. I was pretending I was on a cooking show.

Check that puppy out!!!

This is the first night it had to sit and drain.

So this has been a pretty fun week with it being my birthday and all. Well then on Wednesday I went to my friend KrisAn's parents house and we made and canned homemade Salsa. Now you don't understand this Salsa is soooo good. When I lived with KrisAn that is how I discoverd it, and then when Dan and I got married we got 12 jars as a wedding gift. Well about a two months ago we ran out, and I told Karen that we needed more salsa. Well she is sooo nice she bought all the ingredients and invited us over and showed us how to make it. I didn't realize what a long process it was. The first night Karen already had all the stuff cut up then we had to combine it all together and then it had to sit overnight and drain all night. Then last night takes the longest cause you have to boil it, and stir it and clean the bottles and add everything else in. But it was a lot of fun and I want to thank Karen for showing us how to make. I appreciate it even more!!!


Cassidy Meine said...

You do make such a cute cook! That salsa looks dang good!

Mandy said...

Move over Rachel Ray! Looks yum!!

Lindsay Quinney said...

Hey Megan, This is Lindsay from Kindercare. I was looking at a friends blog and on hers i saw a name and wondered if i knew the person. Well i didn't but you were on the other persons blog. What a small world. I didn't know you got married. Congratulations!!

Annette said...

It looks soooo good! It really is a long process! That's why we go to Smith's! I'm proud of you being a little Suzie Homemaker! Way to go Meckie!!!