Jan 11, 2009

Randon Thoughts

*I am greatful for children, especially little ones. They are soo sweet and are soo accepting of you. No questions asked!!!! I am greatful for all my nieces and nephews and all the joy they bring into my life.

*I love that Dan pays attention to me and notices the little things, like if I got new shoes or new earrings he will notice them and say something.

*I am greatful that I have a good work ethic. That my parents taught me the importance of work and to be responsible and dependable.

*I am greatful that I have such a good relationships with my brothers and sisters. They are your family for life:)

*Life can be so hard and frusterating sometimes but I know I have a great family,husband and GOD to help me through.

*I wish I wasn't such a worrier all the time.

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