Nov 27, 2008

Turkey Day!!!!!

My sister Angie and niece Kaylie!!!
My brother Ryan and Jaden keeping it REAL!!!

Mom and Jaden in there Romo Jersey!!! Oh and thats Lauren too!!!

Me and my mom.... I am so greatful for her and all she does!!!!!

Dan was determined to have lauren and I learn how to play the viedo game Spor.

Happy Happy Turkey Day!!! I hope you all had a fabolous day. I know our day was great. I am greatful for my family and great friends that I have. I am greatful for a wonderful husband who treats me like GOLD. Anyway our day was good. My mom and Walt came down from Arizona and she cooked dinner at my sister Lauren's house. We ate tooo much, and we played tons of games, and watched the Dallas Cowboys kick butt!!!! GO ROMO!!!! It was fun to see my niece Kaylie and nephwe Jaden. It has been like amonth and a half since I have seen them. I am so excited for my sister Lauren too because she got engaged to AJ. Here are som pics of the day.

1 comment:

Just the 3 of us said...

Yayyy cute pictures! Yesterday was lots of fun! Love ya