Jun 18, 2008

Tagged Again.....

Things I was doing 10 Years ago....
1) Obsesssing over Backstreet boys
2) Finishing highschool
3) babysitting
4) Going to school dances
5) Man its hard to remember that far back....

5 Things on my to-do- list for today....
2) Get dan a b-day present
3) clean
4) visit teach
5) watch my shows

5 Snacks I enjoy...
1) candy
2) Nachos
3) popcorn
4) Fritos
5) Laffty Taffy

5 Places I have lived...
.1) Sandy, UT
2) West Valley
3) Draper
4) Rexburg
5)west jordan

5 Things I would do if I became a Billionair....
1) buy us a house, pay off all debt, by mom and sister stuff
2) buy a house in Utah, and a beach house is Hawaii
3) Go travel the world
4) pay off all my debt
5) Shopping Spree

5 Bad Habits....
1) procrastinating
2) Eating too much
3) being a slacker and not working out when I should
4) Swearing
5)getting mad at stupid stuff

5 Jobs I have had....
1)Reams boots and Jeans
2)Hello Kitty
4) Kindercare
5) Nanny

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