May 23, 2009

Fun Days

Our Candy supply: Laffy taffy, starburst and Fritos.

Michelle Bell author of the Butterfly Box is in the middle.

So glad its finally the weekend. This week was good. I actually really enjoyed the American Idol finale. I thought it was really good. I was soo happy that Kris won too. YAYYY!!!! I was also glad that the power came back on at my sisters house so she could see it. So we started out our holiday weekend on Thursday night going to see the new Terminator movie. Now I haven't seen any of the other ones, but this was pretty good. I was sooo glad when it was finally friday. I worked til four and was so happy to start the weekend. Last night I went to my friend Paiges house and we had our annual Seagull Girls party. Last June we decided to put together this box pretty much of memories, or things that we like or that remind of us each other. Then the plan is each year to meet no matter where we are and open it up and put new things in there too. We got this idea from a book by Michelle Ashman Bell. The characters in her book called it the Butterfly box. What was really cool too is that we told Michelle about it and she actually came to our party and took pictues and notes and is going to use it for her books. We got together in May because Paige is leaving us to go be a Nanny in New York. I am soo happy for her and it will be soo much fun. Anyway so we had a really fun night. Last year I put in a Cd of music that remind me of us, and just fun songs of concerts we have gone too and what not. Then I also put in a bag of Laffy taffy and Fritos. Last year for about a month I was addicted to fritos and laffy taffy. I would bring them everyday. And the funny part was that we would be soo high on sugar that we would read the Jokes and just start laughing even though they were dumb. I haven't put in anything this year yet but I am trying to figure it out. Anyway I am really greatful for the girls taht I work with at Seagull. It has been such a great job for me and a huge blessing.


Paige's Pages said...

Yay! That was so much fun! I am going to miss you so much! See you in November! :)

Pat R said...

It's hard not to like Kris even if only for his emotional dad; makes me tear up every time