May 1, 2009

Random Thoughts

My 10 weeks of Weight Watchers that were paid for are up. So now I have to decide if I have enough money to pay weekly. Its sooo stupid that if you miss one week you still have to pay. I am still goign to do WW it will just be harder because I won't be able to go to the meetings. And I don't want to buy a scale because I think I will be come too obsessive about weighing myself. SO if anyone wants to send donations... he he!!!!

I can't believe it is May wow.. times flies. Dan only has one month left of nights and then he goes to days.... and will have friday off yay!!!!!

We got 40 more dollars this month in Dan's check .Thank you obama for the tax cut or whatever he did!!!!

We saw the new Wolverwine movie last night. It was pretty good... but Violent. It was fun to see how they tied it together to X-Men. Now I want to see the first one again.

My best friend KrisAN is in the hospital right now waiting for her baby to come.. I am sooo excited for her. I can't believe she is going to be a mom!!!! She will be soo great and I can't wait to meet my new "niece". I am the best Aunt ever :)

I am very scared and nervous about this Swine flu. But I am taking precautions so hopefully me and all my family and friends will be okay and not affected by this.

1 comment:

PerfectMomentProject said...

isn't it amazing how you just FALL IN LOVE with nieces and nephews?
let me share this story...
Life of Riley