May 6, 2009

Whatever Wednesday......

So I am going to Weigth Watchers tonight..... I honestly am sure I gained a pound. I have not been doing the best at it.... but whatever!!!!

I have been feeling a lot of pressure to have kids.. I hate sometimes being in Utah and all the pressure that comes. But who made up the rule that if you are married for a year or more you need to already have kids. I think I get a lot of pressure especially since I am 28... and sooo freaking old.Don't get me wrong I want to have kids eventually but why is it wrong to enjoy being a Newlywed and getting ready and to take care of some things. Honestly I am really scared and I always think I have them for life. What if I mess up? I just know right now is not the right time for us to have kids. Sorry i just needed to vent on that one:)

I totally think Mike deserves to win on the biggest loser but I am sure Tara will win. I do not like her at all. Hopefully Mike makes it to the finale.. I would rather have it be him then Ron on. I don't like Helen either.. she just needs to go home.

I don't know what to get my Mother in law for mothers day... I honestly do not like getting her gifts. She does not have very good gift etiquette. She told me what she wants but I guarantee I will get it for her and she will be like, "oh whats this?:" Sorry Iam not bitter at all:)

Sorry this post was all kind of negative but I needed to vent and get it out. Anyway wish me luck at Weigh in.


Just the 3 of us said...

I sorry that I have been bugging you about having kids! I am just really excited for you to have a new little baby. But I will stop bugging you about it. You are going to be a great mom whenever you are ready :)
love ya!

Katie said...

it's ok to vent! and good luck at weight watchers! you go girl!

Paige's Pages said...

Megan I am positive when you are ready you and Dan will be wonderful parents. Don't worry about what other people say, cause it just takes to much energy! :) I had constant "so when are you going to get married? Go to school? Go on a mission?" I swear the whole nanny thing is half self preservation! Hee Hee jk I really want to do that, but Im just saying people will be people. You are doing so well on WW and I am so impressed by your determination! You are incredible! Keep it up my friend!